Oney Insurance
Malta Sliema Il-Piazzetta, Block B - Office 13, 15, Tower Road
- Sales, Business Development, Business Consulting
- Banking, Finance, Insurance, Accounting and Trade jobs
- Marketing and PR, Advertising and Creative Media Jobs
- Management (incl. project, product management & human resources)
Company Detail
Oney Insurance: 30 people from 11 countries who work together to offer BtoB insurance services in several countries and clients in various industries. Located in Malta, the size of the team represents a real asset: flexibility, accessibility, agility and reactivity are who we are. Thanks to this, we have successfully developed ultra-personalised solutions and designed tailor-made insurance products for numerous partners in the past years. Historically focusing on PPI (Payment protection insurance), we now extend our services to provident insurance, affinity insurance and specialty insurance. Working hands in hands with our partners and creating a long-term relationship and trusts is our vision and ethics. We are willing to go along with them in their venture and to collaborate. Oney Insurance (PCC) Limited and Oney Life (PCC) Limited were registered in Malta on 21 June 2011 and were licenced by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) to transact insurance business in insurance and reinsurance. Today, we are authorised to write insurance business under the freedom to provide services in France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, Romania and Ireland.
- Company Overview
- Established 2008
- Email ******@oney.com.mt
- Websitehttps://oneyinsurance.com/
Current Opening
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